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Be A Master Entrepreneur. Get Funding. Grow Your Business Faster. Feel Confident & In Control.
If you’re a Business Owner and want to Grow your business faster, increase financing, while cutting your work time in half, then you’re in the right place.

There are 30-Million Small Businesses in the United States. . . 500,000+ new businesses get started EVERY Month…

And 8 out of 10 of those businesses fails in 18 months or less (many last nowhere near 18 months).

76% of all businesses break even or lose money and only 5% ever achieve 7 Figures in annual sales. The lack of entrepreneurial education, guidance and mentoring is the top reason for most of the failure.

There are 3 Primary Pitfalls that contribute for business failures

The C.E.O Pitfalls

Capital: The 1st Primary Pitfall for failure and the Number one reason 1 out of 5 businesses fail within 5 years is Insufficient Capital.

Execution: The 2nd Primary pitfall 1 out of 5 businesses fail within 5 years is Insufficient Business Skills & Financial Literacy.

Outlook: The 3rd Primary pitfall for failure is an Insufficient Plan. You Must have Clarity on WHY you do what you do. Clarity on WHO you do it for. Clarity of your VISION and your Irresistible Offer


There are 2 systems that exist in the world, the first is for employees who trade their time and freedom for a paycheck and the second is for those bold individuals who call themselves entrepreneurs.

Until now, there has never been one place to unlock the secrets of building a 7 figures empire. Purpose Power Academy is the place for life-changing entrepreneurial education. Our focus is your success.

Imagine The Business & The Life of Your Dreams

As a business owner, time is your most precious asset. We don’t get our time back. By harnessing the power and proven secrets in the easy-to-follow education found in Purpose Power Academy (PPA), the business and life of your dreams is within reach. That means, less time working in your business, and more time doing what you love and spending time with those most important to you.

Imagine owning a business that grows consistently you could avoid the income roller coaster & have a healthy balance between work and personal life? be a more confident and effective leader. a comprehensive systematic process to access funding for short term and long-term investments, and/or working capital.a comprehensive systematic process to access funding for short term and long-term investments, and/or working capital.

Imagine 50% less stress / 50% more money / A Happier, Efficient “A” Team / Effective, shorter meetings / Less Involvement from you / Time and freedom to do what you want.

You can enjoy the lifestyle and prestige of owning a fast-growing business without feeling like you’re working a full-time job and having to hustle and grind 24/7. We believe IT IS POSSIBLE to experience rapid growth without feeling like you’re chained to your business. All you must do, is use proven blueprints and roadmaps that have been tested, honed and tweaked by other fast-growing businesses and relax!


Purpose Power Academy (PPA)

At the Purpose Power Academy (PPA) we work with motivated Entreprenuers across all industries and levels of experience. The commonality is They feel stuck on what to do next, they have read all the books, they know they need to upgrade their business practices, increase revenue and more, but are not sure how to do it, and/or need support to implement faster. If you can relate the Purpose Power Academy is for you. We guide our clients every step of the way as they implement the 7-Figure Formula to run a thriving company. And if you don’t have an MBA, that’s no problem. They don’t teach this at business School. But we do at Purpose Power Academy.

Purpose Power Academy - Cultivate


Most new entrepreneurs fail in the first 18 months simply due to lack of capital & knowledge of what it takes to be a business owner. The Purpose Power Academy was built to help you avoid a heavy toll and propel your business forward.

This is where we Empower and Equip you with the Mindset, Skillsets, Strategies and the 7-Figure Formula you will require to avoid the top 3 pitfalls that causes 80% of businesses to fail. We help you build a strong business foundation and the right structure to optimize your fundability. We provide results-based education that eliminates the confusion & overwhelm and equips you with step-by-step, actionable, time tested, and proven tools and strategies. We Cultivate Confident, Effective, Successful Entrepreneurs who Reclaim their time and have the business and life they dream about.

Purpose Power Academy - Capital


We provide the Fuel Business Owners need to Create & Provide the products & services that Impact the lives of Humanity. Grow Your Business Faster, Increase Profits, feeling less overwhelmed, less stress and instead feel Confident and in Control.


Your will learn how to save on your taxes, fund your business at 0% interest, you’re your products or services like a seasoned closer and create beautiful sales funnels that convert. learn to automate, delegate and work on the business, not just in it. 

This is where we walk you through a proven step-by-step system to Fund Your Dream Business. We, help you with all aspects of building your business creditability & fundability profile and sccores. Get Credit for your EIN that’s not linked to your SSN without personal credit check or guarantee. We help you access loans, and credit lines through our vast network of lenders & investors. This money is lent based on your business strengths unlike conventional bank financing. This makes it easier to get approved even when the big banks say “no”.

Entrepreneur – Coaching & Consulting


How do you build a profitable product or service, legally save money on taxes, fund, grow and market your business? There is a 7 Figures Formula for building a prosperous business. Purpose Power Academy reveals the process of building an empire step by step.

The Purpose Power Academy provides tangible results. Discover the systems and processes you need to scale your business to 7-figures; optimize your fundability and leverage OPM-Other People’s Money, to build long-term wealth. At the PPA we work with motivated CEOs across all industries and levels of experience. You’ll discover how to continue scaling your business while working less and turning your revenue into wealth.  We work with you through every step of the way, so you can create a good balance between work and personal life. They don’t teach this at business School. But we do at Purpose Power Academy!

Consultation. Courses. Coaching. Community

Results based education that eliminates the confusion and overwhelm and equips you with step-by-step, actionable, time-tested, and proven tools and strategies to grow your business faster and with greater ease. 

Our difference is execution, we go beyond just consultation and strategic planning. We work with you through every step of the way as our client’s build their company’s foundational structures & practices their business’s needs. We share with them what to do, how to do it, guiding them through implementation as they make their way through the modules. 

This isn’t a teach only program.

Reasons Why You Should Hire
A Business Coach/Consultant

Consultation Services & Programs


FUND IT! Business Credit Kickstart Strategy Sessions with a Board-Certified Consultant. ($183)


Leverage Up Lifestyle
(Coming In 2023)


Business Credit Builder Program

Dropping In 2023

501©3 Accelerator Program

Apply Now

Fractional Chief Development Officer Services: Individual Consultation

Courses & Coaching Programs

Credit College

How To Understand & Increase Your Credit Score Fast


FUND IT! Business Finance Suite

The FUND IT! Business Finance Suite is the most comprehensive funding solution in the world today. We provide you with an easy step-by-step system to build business credit through our cutting-edge finance suite platform, a custom experience built exclusively for you to obtain credit and financing for your company. And you’ll be guided through the process with your own business advising team who will help you with all aspects of building your business credit. Business Finance Suite walks you through how to Start, Structure, Build your business to access Business Funding even when the Banks say “NO” regardless of your personal Credit, Cashflow or Collateral, ALL separate from your social security number. Skyrocket the growth of your business by investing in marketing, products, improving your systems, and more


FUND IT! Business Credit Kickstart Toolkit

1) The Business Fundability Blueprint Guide

2) Business Credit Kickstart 1:1 Strategy Session with a Certified Business Credit Consultant.

3) Leverage Up Capital Mini-Course

4) Business Credit Checklist And More

5) BONUS REPORT & Freebies


The 7-Figure C.E.O. Institute: (Capital Execution Outlook)



The Purpose Power Community

A Winning Environment Empowering Entrepreneurs with Education & Expertise to Create Your Life on Purpose!
Critical to success is a winning environment a community of likeminded individuals and accountability. The PPC our private world-class community of entrepreneurs that share the value of being purposeful entrepreneurs. Our community provides ongoing support well after courses are completed in the form of access to specialists in various areas such as Tax Planning, Legal, Asset Management & Protection, Wealth Management, and more.

Our Leverage Up Lifestyle Members will receive joint venture and partnership opportunities, access to discounts on essential services, travel and more. Our community provides networking opportunities and the opportunity for entrepreneurs with the platform to showcase their companies.

Check out just some of the Perks & Join the Leverage Up Lifestyle Waitlist

Access to the Private Facebook Group

Partnership & Business Opportunities

Affiliate Programs

Business “In-A-Box”

Purpose Power Perks
(For Members Only)

